Musicians that are regularly taking part in live gigs will know that finding a moment to have a cigarette is not easy. For this reason, an alternative to help to control the cravings is necessary. It has to be something that is easy to carry around and will not get in the way.
Nicotine pouches
Not all musicians will be able to use nicotine pouches during a gig, especially if they are going to be singing, but they are ideal for use during breaks. Nicotine pouches such as those available from GotPouches are ideal while working as they are easy to use, come in small packaging so are easy to carry in a pocket and can help if someone is trying to quit smoking. GotPouches has a range of flavors available and ordering is easy.
Musicians that aren’t working on live gigs, but are mainly in a recording studio will find it easier to take breaks, but it is still worth considering using nicotine pouches. They can be much more convenient than cigarettes, cause far less damage to health and are much less expensive. Musicians should stay fit and healthy as their profession can mean long hours – giving up smoking will help a great deal with this.